
Written Reply to Parliamentary Question on Separate Category of COE For Vehicles to be Brought in for Large-Scale Mice Events

02 Aug 2022In Parliament
Ms Mariam Jaafar asked the Minister for Transport in light of the anticipated recovery of the Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions (MICE) sector and to prevent distorting COE demand and prices, whether a separate category of COE can be designated for vehicles to be brought in for large MICE events.

Reply by Minister for Transport S Iswaran:

1.     Vehicles brought in specifically to support Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions (MICE) events do not require a COE. If these vehicles are sold to private buyers after the event, the buyers would need to secure a COE and pay the relevant vehicle taxes. Such vehicles contribute to a very small proportion of vehicles registered every year.

2.     It would be impractical to limit the vehicle to any single use, and to create an exception or a separate COE category just for that purpose. Doing so would proliferate COE categories, each with a small supply and greater volatility. It would also require more rules and enforcement, which will complicate the COE system and increase compliance burden.

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