
Written Reply to Parliamentary Questions on Port of Singapore's Ability to Accommodate Adjustments to Eastern Sector Capacity due to "Long Island" Project

06 Feb 2024In Parliament
Mr Dennis Tan Lip Fong asked the Minister for Transport with regard to the reconfiguration of anchorages in the Eastern Sector of the Port of Singapore arising from the "Long Island" project off East Coast Park, whether the Western Sector of the Port of Singapore or elsewhere within the Port of Singapore currently have any capacity to absorb or accommodate the current capacity located in the Eastern Sector.

Reply by Minister for Transport Chee Hong Tat:

1.     The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) is working with the industry to implement initiatives that can optimise the use of our anchorage space.

2.     The detailed configuration of the anchorages within the Port of Singapore will be determined following upcoming technical studies for the “Long Island” project.

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